曲軸軸頸上有裂紋和劃痕的跡象是否有過熱或變色跡象怎么辦約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機
約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機連桿蓋并拆下曲軸
拆卸約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機連桿蓋
3.如圖所示,在約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機曲軸兩端各安裝一個帶帽螺釘,并將吊帶連接到曲軸上。使用適當的起吊設備,小心地將曲軸從缸體中抬起。
5.將約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機曲軸放在干凈的V形塊上。
•如本組前面所述,使用JDG790耐磨套拔出器從曲軸上拆下耐磨套。將約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機曲軸連桿軸頸放置在V形塊中,以便在拆卸耐磨套時曲軸不會旋轉。
3.檢查(前)曲軸齒輪和(后)油泵驅動齒輪是否有裂紋、齒屑或過度磨損。根據需要更換齒輪。見替換曲軸齒輪和更換(曲軸)檢查約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機曲軸油泵驅動齒輪,本組后面。A桿軸頸孔和B軸頸圓角
5.仔細檢查約翰迪爾John Deere柴油機磨損套筒接觸面區域的曲軸后輪轂是否存在粗糙或有槽的情況。此處的任何缺陷都會導致機油泄漏。可以用砂布或砂布清理輕微的隆起。
Remove Connecting Rod Caps and Remove Crankshaft
1. Rotate crankshaft using JDG820 or JDE81-1 Flywheel Turning Tool until connecting rod caps can be removed easily. You will be able to remove rod caps at each position.
2. Remove all connecting rod caps (A) with bearings (B), then remove No. 1 and 7 main bearing caps and bearings. See REMOVE PISTONS AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLIES in Group 030.
Removing Connecting Rod Caps
CAUTION: Crankshaft is very heavy. Plan a proper handling procedure to avoid injury.
NOTE: Install a screw on each end of crankshaft to aid in lifting crankshaft.
3. Install a cap screw in each end of crankshaft and attach a lifting strap to crankshaft as shown. Using proper lifting equipment, carefully raise crankshaft out of cylinder block.
4. Clean crankshaft, especially oil passages, using solvent and compressed sir.
5. Put crankshaft on clean V-blocks.
6. Remove rear wear sleeve from crankshaft flange, if not previously done, using one of the following methods:
• Use JDG790 Wear Sleeve Puller to remove wear sleeve from crankshaft, as described earlier in this group. Position crankshaft rod journals in V-blocks so that crankshaft does not rotate while removing wear sleeve.
• Use the ball side of a ballpeen hammer and tap
wear sleeve across its width in a straight line (to deform and stretch sleeve).
• Score (but do not cut) the wear sleeve in several
places around O.D. with a blunt chisel.
Inspect Crankshaft
NOTE: If crankshaft damper damage was discovered during teardown, the crankshaft should be
magna-fluxed. This will verify whether of not it has microscopic cracks or fissures. See INSPECT VIBRATION DAMPER, in this group.
1. Thoroughly clean crankshaft. Clear restrictions from all oil passages.
2. Inspect crankshaft for signs of load stress, cracks, scratches on journals. Also check each journal for evidence of excessive overheating or discoloration. If either condition exists, replace crankshaft since heat treatment has probably been destroyed.
3. Inspect (front) crankshaft gear and (rear) oil pump drive gear for cracks, chipped teeth, or excessive wear. Replace gear(s) as required. See REPLACE
OIL PUMP DRIVE GEAR, later in this group. A—Rod Journal Holes B—Journal Fillets
4. Inspect the keyway for evidence of cracks or wear. Replace crankshaft as necessary.
5. Carefully inspect rear hub of crankshaft in area of wear sleeve contact surface for evidence of rough or grooved condition. Any imperfections here will result in oil leaks. Slight ridges may be cleaned up with emery or crocus cloths.
6. Check each journal for evidence of excessive overheating or discoloration. If either condition exists, replace crankshaft since heat treatment has probably been destroyed.
7. Carefully check the crankshaft for cracks in the area of rod journal holes (A) and at journal fillets (B). Replace crankshaft if any cracks are found.
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