鉆孔。將測量值與規格進行比較,凸輪軸襯套安裝內徑:…67.076-67.102 mm如下所示:(2.6408-2.6418英寸)
缸體中的襯套孔……69.987-70.013 mm(2.7554-2.7564英寸)
約翰迪爾曲軸主軸承孔座……0.038 mm(0.0015 in.)
約翰迪爾無軸承內徑…….101.651-101.67 mm襯套至軸頸間隙……0.0063-0.115 mm(4.0020-4.0030英寸)(0.0025-0.0045英寸)表面寬度……36.28-36.78 mm(1.428-1.448 in.)如果缸體中的凸輪軸襯套孔徑大于
不帶軸承的內徑……比規定值101.651-101.67 mm,安裝新氣缸體。(4.0020-4.0030英寸)表面寬度(5號主軸承)…37.44-37.54 mm重要:主軸承的中心線(1.474-1.478英寸)孔至缸體頂面總帽寬………41.81-42.31 mm必須為352.35-352.50 mm(1.646-1.666英寸)(13.872-13.878英寸)。如果沒有,請更換
約翰迪爾凸輪軸隨動件孔內徑(直線度)……0.025 mm(0.001 in.),每一塊長度為17.384-17.440 mm,305 mm(12.0 in.)
(0.6845-0.6865英寸)最大波深…2.0微米(79微英寸)從動件外徑(新)…17.33-17.35 mm主軸承孔(0.682-0.683英寸)中心線至頂層甲板
從動件至孔間隙……0.114 mm(0.0045 in.)距離……352.35-352.50 mm(13.872-13.878英寸)
Measure Cylinder Block
Refer to the appropriate groups for a more detailed 3. Measure camshaft bore diameter at all locations description of the features being measured. Compare and record readings. Compare measurements with
1. Assemble and measure main and thrust bearing Specification
bores. Compare measurements with specifications Camshaft Bushing—Installed ID..... 67.076—67.102 mm
given below: (2.6408—2.6418 in.)
Bushing Bore in Block ..... 69.987—70.013 mm
(2.7554—2.7564 in.)
Specification Minimum Runout of Bore in
Crankshaft Main Bearing—Bore Block ....... 0.038 mm (0.0015 in.)
ID without Bearing ........ 101.651—101.67 mm Bushing-to-Journal Clearance ...... 0.0063—0.115 mm
(4.0020—4.0030 in.) (0.0025—0.0045 in.)
Surface Width ..... 36.28—36.78 mm
(1.428—1.448 in.) If camshaft bushing bore diameter in block is more
Crankshaft Thrust Bearing—
Bore ID without Bearing ...... 101.651—101.67 mm than specified, install a new cylinder block.
(4.0020—4.0030 in.)
Surface Width (No. 5 Main)..... 37.44—37.54 mm IMPORTANT: The centerline of the main bearing
(1.474—1.478 in.) bore-to-top deck of cylinder block
Overall Cap Width ......... 41.81—42.31 mm MUST BE 352.35—352.50 mm
(1.646—1.666 in.)
(13.872—13.878 in.). If not, replace
If any main or thrust bearing cap assembled I.D. is not cylinder block.
within specification, blank (generic) bearing caps are
available and must be line bored to specification by a 4. Measure cylinder block top deck flatness using qualified machine shop. See MAIN BEARING CAP D05012ST Precision Straightedge and feeler gauge LINE BORE SPECIFICATIONS in Group 040. and compare to following specifications. Resurface
as required.
2. Measure camshaft follower bore diameter at all
bore locations. Specification
Cylinder Block Top Deck—
Maximum Out-of-Flat ..... 0.10 mm (0.004 in.) over entire
Specification length or width
Camshaft Follower—Bore ID in Straightness ..... 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) per any Block ....... 17.384—17.440 mm 305 mm (12.0 in) of Length
(0.6845—0.6865 in.) Maximum Wave Depth .... 2.0 micrometers (79 micro-inch)
Follower OD (New) ....... 17.33—17.35 mm Main Bearing Bore
(0.682—0.683 in.) Centerline-to-Top Deck
Follower-to-Bore Clearance...... 0.114 mm (0.0045 in.) Distance ...... 352.35—352.50 mm
(13.872—13.878 in.)
If any one camshaft follower bore is not within specification, install a new cylinder block.
由于缸體冷卻劑歧管大約增加 30% 以及廢氣再循環 (EGR) 和可變幾何尺寸渦輪增壓器 (VGT) 的冷卻要求,9.0 升約翰迪爾柴油機的冷卻劑泵的流速已從 8.1 升約翰迪爾柴油機的約 329 公升/分(87 加侖/分)增加到約 439 公升/分(116 加侖/分)。 6090 冷卻劑泵使用鋼制軸承座和不銹鋼葉輪。只有要更換冷卻泵時,才應將冷卻劑泵從正時齒輪蓋卸下,因為它是不可保養部件。更換冷卻劑泵需要:兩個新的 O 形環、一個新的擋圈以及一個新的泡沫過濾器(用于冷卻劑泵的殘液排放孔)。有關冷卻劑泵的更換過程,請參見 CTM-400。南寧Perkins帕金斯1204E-E44TTA約翰迪爾柴油機控制屏企業,來賓Perkins帕金斯1206E-E70TTAAG4約翰迪爾柴油機缸體電話,吐魯番Perkins帕金斯404D-15約翰迪爾柴油機轉速控制電腦板哪家好,長春Perkins帕金斯4008TAG1A約翰迪爾柴油機皮帶技術查詢中心,重慶Perkins帕金斯854E-E34T約翰迪爾柴油機進排氣門、墊圈一臺多少錢,長治Perkins帕金斯進排氣門多少錢,廣安Perkins帕金斯404D-15約翰迪爾柴油機水泵、水泵襯墊專業服務中心,常州Perkins帕金斯854F-E34T約翰迪爾柴油機水溫機油壓力轉速傳感器專業服務中心,四平Perkins帕金斯2806C-E18TAG3約翰迪爾柴油機高壓油泵、油泵組件大概的價錢,德州Perkins帕金斯403D-15T約翰迪爾柴油機多小錢費用報價單,
冷卻系統的變化在下面一系列的幻燈片中,我們將討論使用 9.0 升約翰迪爾柴油機的新型聯合收割機和拖拉機的冷卻系統的一些變化。為了**大限度地減少吸入冷卻元件中的污垢,2006 年型號的聯合收割機的冷卻風管已經過更改。現在,通過新的進氣口設計,冷卻空氣從設備頂部吸入。