
首頁 技術中心>卡特彼勒CAT柴油發動機故障代碼


2014/8/5 17:06:25


Caterpillar diesel engine fault code

CID01FMI05----CAT 1缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID01FMI05----CAT 1 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID01FMI06---- CAT 1缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID01FMI06---- CAT 1 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID02FMI05---- CAT 2缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID02FMI05---- CAT 2 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID02FMI06---- CAT 2缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID02FMI06---- CAT 2 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID03FMI05---- CAT 3缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID03FMI05---- CAT 3 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID03FMI06---- CAT 3缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID03FMI06---- CAT 3 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID04FMI05---- CAT 4缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID04FMI05---- CAT 4 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID04FMI06---- CAT 4缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID04FMI06---- CAT 4 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID05FMI05---- CAT 5缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID05FMI05---- CAT 5 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID05FMI06---- CAT 5缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID05FMI06---- CAT 5 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID06FMI05---- CAT 6缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID06FMI05---- CAT 6 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID06FMI06---- CAT 6缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID06FMI06---- CAT 6 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID07FMI05---- CAT 7缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID07FMI05---- CAT 7 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID07FMI06---- CAT 7缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID07FMI06---- CAT 7 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID08FMI05---- CAT 8缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID08FMI05---- CAT 8 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID08FMI06---- CAT 8缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID08FMI06---- CAT 8 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID09FMI05---- CAT 9缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID09FMI05---- CAT 9 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID09FMI06---- CAT 9缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID09FMI06---- CAT 9 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID010FMI05---- CAT 10缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID010FMI05---- CAT 10 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID010FMI06---- CAT 10缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID010FMI06---- CAT 10 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID011FMI05---- CAT 11缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID011FMI05---- CAT 11 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID011FMI06---- CAT 11缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID011FMI06---- CAT 11 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID012FMI05---- CAT 12缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID012FMI05---- CAT 12 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID012FMI06---- CAT 12缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID012FMI06---- CAT 12 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID013FMI05---- CAT 13缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID013FMI05---- CAT 13 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID013FMI06---- CAT 13缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID013FMI06---- CAT 13 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID014FMI05---- CAT 14缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID014FMI05---- CAT 14 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID014FMI06---- CAT 14缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID014FMI06---- CAT 14 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID015FMI05---- CAT 15缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID015FMI05---- CAT 15 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID015FMI06---- CAT 15缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID015FMI06---- CAT 15 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID016FMI05---- CAT 16缸噴油器開路(電流低于正常值)

Open CID016FMI05---- CAT 16 cylinder injector (current is lower than the normal value)

CID016FMI06---- CAT 16缸噴油器短路(電流高于正常值)

CID016FMI06---- CAT 16 cylinder injector circuit (current is higher than the normal value)

CID91 FMI08-------- CAT油門輸出信號不正常信號

CID91 FMI08-------- CAT accelerator output signal abnormal signals

CID94FMI002------- CAT濾清后燃油壓力---不正確信號

CID94FMI002------- CAT filtered fuel pressure - incorrect signal

CID94FMI03-- CAT濾清后燃油壓力--電壓高于正常值(對蓄電池正極開路)

CID94FMI03-- CAT filtered fuel pressure - voltage higher than normal (open to the positive battery)

CID94FMI04-- CAT濾清后燃油壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID94FMI04-- CAT filtered fuel pressure, voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID94FMI13-- CAT濾清后燃油壓力偏離標定

CID94FMI13-- CAT filtered fuel pressure deviation calibration

CID100FMI02-- CAT濾清后發動機機油壓力--不正確信號(超出范圍)

CID100FMI02-- CAT filtered engine oil pressure -- not the correct signal (out of range)

CID100FMI03-- CAT濾清后發動機機油壓力電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路/短路)

CID100FMI03-- CAT filtered engine oil pressure - voltage higher than normal (open / short circuit of battery)

CID100FMI04-- CAT濾清后發動機機油壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID100FMI04-- CAT filtered engine oil pressure - voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID100FMI13 CAT濾清后發動機機油壓力--偏離指標

CID100FMI13 CAT filtered engine oil pressure - deviation index

CID101FMI03 CAT曲軸箱壓力--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路/短路)

CID101FMI03 CAT crankcase pressure - voltage higher than normal (open / short circuit of battery)

CID101FMI04 CAT曲軸箱壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID101FMI04 CAT crankcase pressure - voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID101FMI13 CAT曲軸箱壓力--偏離標定

CID101FMI13 CAT crankcase pressure deviation calibration

CID110FMI04 CAT冷卻液溫度--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID110FMI04 CAT coolant temperature - voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID110FMI03 CAT冷卻液溫度--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路)

CID110FMI03 CAT coolant temperature - voltage higher than normal (open to the battery anode)

CID168FMI00 CAT蓄電池電壓高于正常范圍

CID168FMI00 CAT battery voltage higher than the normal range

CID168FMI01 CAT蓄電池電壓低于正常范圍

CID168FMI01 CAT battery voltage is lower than the normal range

CID168FMI02 CAT蓄電池電壓--不正確信號(電壓中斷或零亂)

CID168FMI02 CAT battery voltage - incorrect signal (voltage interruption or disorder)

CID190FMI02 CAT發動機主轉速/正時傳感器--不正確信號(信號丟失或損缺)

CID190FMI02 CAT main engine speed / timing sensor -- not the correct signal (signal loss or loss)

CID190FMI03 CAT發動機主轉速/正時傳感器--電壓高于正常值(對電池開路)

CID190FMI03 CAT main engine speed / timing sensor - voltage higher than normal (the battery)

CID190FMI08 CAT發動機主轉速/正時傳感器--不正確信號

CID190FMI08 CAT main engine speed / timing sensor -- not the correct signal

CID248FMI09 CAT數據傳輸系統--不正常更新

CID248FMI09 CAT data transmission system -- not the normal update

CID253FMI02 CAT個性模塊--不正確信號(匹配有誤)檢查用戶或系統參流

CID253FMI02 CAT personality module -- not the correct signal (matching error) to check the user or system parameter flow

CID254FMI12 CAT EMC--失效(有誤)

CID254FMI12 CAT EMC-- failure (error)

CID261FMI13 CAT正時傳感器--偏離標定

CID261FMI13 CAT timing sensor - deviation calibration

CID262FMI03 CAT模擬傳感器--電壓高于正常值(5伏傳感器對電池正極短路)

CID262FMI03 CAT simulation of sensor - voltage higher than normal (5 V sensor on the battery anode short circuit)

CID262FMI04 CAT模擬傳感器--電壓低于正常值(電流對地短路)

CID262FMI04 CAT simulation of sensor voltage is lower than the normal value (current to ground short circuit)

CID263FMI03 CAT數字傳感器--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極短路)

CID263FMI03 CAT digital sensor - voltage higher than normal (for battery anode short circuit)

CID263FMI04 CAT數字傳感器--電壓低于正常值(電壓對地短路)

CID263FMI04 CAT digital sensor voltage is lower than the normal value (voltage to ground short circuit)

CID268FMI02 CAT編程參數--不正確信號

CID268FMI02 CAT programming parameters, incorrect signal

CID273FMI00 CAT增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--高于正常范圍

CID273FMI00 CAT turbocharger compressor outlet pressure higher than the normal range

CID273FMI03 CAT增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路/短路)

CID273FMI03 CAT turbocharger compressor outlet pressure - voltage higher than normal (open / short circuit of battery)

CID273FMI04 CAT增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID273FMI04 CAT turbocharger compressor outlet pressure, voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID273FMI13 CAT增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--偏離標定

CID273FMI13 CAT turbocharger compressor outlet pressure -- deviation calibration

CID274FMI03 CAT大氣壓力--電壓高于正常值(對正極開路/短路)

CID274FMI03 CAT atmospheric pressure - voltage higher than normal (on the positive open / short)

CID274FMI04 CAT大氣壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID274FMI04 CAT atmospheric pressure - voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID274FMI13 CAT大氣壓力--偏離標定

CID274FMI13 CAT atmospheric pressure - deviation calibration

CID275FMI03 CAT右增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--電壓高于正常值

CID275FMI03 CAT right turbocharger compressor outlet pressure - voltage higher than the normal value

CID275FMI04 CAT右增壓器壓縮機出口壓力, , --電壓低于正常值

CID275FMI04 CAT right turbocharger compressor outlet pressure, voltage is lower than the normal value

CID275FMI13 CAT右增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--偏離標定

CID275FMI13 CAT right turbocharger compressor outlet pressure -- deviation calibration

CID276FMI03 CAT左增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--電壓高于正常值

CID276FMI03 CAT left turbocharger compressor outlet pressure - voltage higher than the normal value

CID276FMI04 CAT左增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--電壓低于正常值

CID276FMI04 CAT left turbocharger compressor outlet pressure, voltage is lower than the normal value

CID276FMI13 CAT左增壓器壓縮機出口壓力--偏離標定

CID276FMI13 CAT left turbocharger compressor outlet pressure -- deviation calibration

CID279FMI03 CAT后冷卻器溫度--電壓高于正常值

CID279FMI03 CAT after cooler temperature - voltage higher than the normal value

CID279FMI04 CAT后冷卻器溫度--電壓低于正常值

CID279FMI04 CAT after cooler temperature - voltage is lower than the normal value

CID289FMI02 CAT未濾清燃油壓力--不正確信號(安裝有誤)

CID289FMI02 CAT is not filtered fuel pressure -- not the correct signal (installation error)

CID289FMI03 CAT未濾清燃油壓力--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路/短路)

CID289FMI03 CAT is not filtered fuel pressure - voltage higher than normal (open / short circuit of battery)

CID289FMI04 CAT未濾清燃油壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID289FMI04 CAT is not filtered fuel pressure, voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID289FMI13 CAT未濾清燃油壓力--偏離標定

CID289FMI13 CAT is not filtered fuel pressure -- deviation calibration

CID336FMI02 CAT ESC開關輸入不正確

CID336FMI02 CAT ESC switch input is not correct

CID337FMI02 CAT緊急停機輸入--不正確信號

CID337FMI02 CAT emergency shutdown input -- not the correct signal

CID338FMI05 CAT預潤滑--電流低于正常值(繼電器開路)

CID338FMI05 CAT pre lubrication - current is lower than the normal value (relay open)

CID338FMI06 CAT預潤滑--電流高于正常值(繼電器對地短路)

CID338FMI06 CAT pre lubrication -- current higher than normal (relay shorted to ground)

CID338FMI11 CAT預潤滑暫停--故障模式不能識別

CID338FMI11 CAT pre lubrication pause -- failure mode does not recognize

CID342FMI03 CAT發動機第二轉速--電壓高于正常信號

CID342FMI03 CAT engine with second speed - voltage higher than the normal signal

CID342FMI02 CAT發動機第二轉速--不正常信號

CID342FMI02 CAT engine with second speed -- abnormal signals

CID444FMI05 CAT啟動馬達繼電器--電流低于正常值(開路)

CID444FMI05 CAT starter relay current is lower than the normal value (open)

CID444FMI06 CAT啟動馬達繼電器--電流高于正常值(短路)

CID444FMI06 CAT starter relay current higher than normal (short circuit)

CID446FMI05 CAT空氣關停繼電器--電流低于正常值(開路)

CID446FMI05 CAT air closing relay current is lower than the normal value (open)

CID446FMI06 CAT空氣關停繼電器--電流高于正常值(短路)

CID446FMI06 CAT air closing relay current higher than normal (short circuit)

CID542FMI02 CAT未濾清發動機機油壓力--不正確信號(安裝有誤)

CID542FMI02 CAT not filtering engine oil pressure -- not the correct signal (installation error)

CID542FMI03 CAT未濾清發動機機油壓力--電壓高于正常值(對電池正極開路/短路)

CID542FMI03 CAT not filtering engine oil pressure - voltage higher than normal (open / short circuit of battery)

CID542FMI04 CAT未濾清發動機機油壓力--電壓低于正常值(對地短路)

CID542FMI04 CAT not filtering engine oil pressure - voltage is lower than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID542FMI13 CAT未濾清發動機機油壓力--偏離標定

CID542FMI13 CAT not filtering engine oil pressure - deviation calibration

CID545FMI05 CAT乙醚啟動--電流低于正常值(繼電器對電池正極開路/短路)

CID545FMI05 CAT ether starting current is lower than the normal value (relay to the battery anode open / short)

CID545FMI06 CAT乙醚啟動--電流高于正常值(對地短路)

CID545FMI06 CAT ether starting current is higher than the normal value (shorted to ground)

CID546FMI05 CAT乙醚保持(繼電器對地開路)

Keep CID546FMI05 CAT ether (relay to open)

CID546FMI06 CAT乙醚保持(繼電器對電池正極短路)

Keep CID546FMI06 CAT ether (relay to the battery anode short circuit)

CID827FMI03 CAT左排氣溫度--電壓高于正常值

CID827FMI03 CAT the left exhaust temperature - voltage higher than the normal value

CID827FMI04 CAT左排氣溫度--電壓低于正常值

CID827FMI04 CAT the left exhaust temperature - voltage is lower than the normal value

CID827FMI08 CAT左排氣溫度--不正常信號(異常)

CID827FMI08 CAT the left exhaust temperature, abnormal signal (abnormal)

CID828FMI03 CAT右排氣溫度--電壓高于正常值

CID828FMI03 CAT the right exhaust temperature - voltage higher than the normal value

CID828FMI04 CAT右排氣溫度--電壓低于正常值

CID828FMI04 CAT the right exhaust temperature - voltage is lower than the normal value

CID828FMI08 CAT右排氣溫度--不正常信號(異常)

CID828FMI08 CAT the right exhaust temperature, abnormal signal (abnormal)

CID879FMI02 CAT數據鏈不正常

The CID879FMI02 CAT data chain is not normal

CID1174FMI08 CAT燃油位置放大器--不正常信號

CID1174FMI08 CAT fuel position -- not the normal signal amplifier

0731-84424871? 18374999699
0731-84424872? 15580888444
0731-84424873? 18274802060
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